Icarus again
I depart
again as planned
everything is now arranged
I guess one gets accustomed
I guess one gets his fair pay
the distance he wished for
the constant doubt

What one may call "here" and "there".
But the aforementioned one starts losing his shadow.
But the aforementioned one starts losing his shadow.
Labels: Personal, Travelogue, Ταξίδι
See you soon !! ...
It feels nice, despite the melancholy, that my geography is a restricted area of people-mountains, people-rivers, people-capitals, and then the sea, by itself a person.
Departures... Encounters...
This is what life is all about... New people whom we encounter help us forget about past bitter departures...
I so often say that this is not true, but trust me it is. And you will never realize that till you are due for your new encounter.... Majd
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